Breastfeeding is a very special season in life that can come with many joys and challenges. Having support along your breastfeeding journey can help you and your baby have a more successful, positive experience. Here in Kitsap County, we have a wealth of breastfeeding resources which include classes, lactation professionals, organizations, and support groups. There are also wonderful websites and books to help you along your journey. Your midwife cares about the breastfeeding relationship between you and your baby. Please reach out with any questions or concerns, or if you need any additional support along the way.
Our community has resources to help provide for your breastfeeding needs.
WIC – (Women, Infants & Children): Provides breastfeeding education, breastfeeding peer counseling, nutrition vouchers for breastfeeding mothers (free food!), weight checks, loans out breast pumps, and provides referrals to lactation consultants as needed. Must income qualify. Call for an appointment!
Gig Harbor/Key Peninsula WIC: (253) 884-3835
Port Orchard WIC: (360) 472-2144
Belfair WIC: (360) 275-8340
Bremerton WIC: (360) 373-6221
Nurturing Expressions – Located in Poulsbo, this boutique-style store and community gathering place is a wonderful place to go for breastfeeding supplies like nursing bras and breast pumps. Their staff is helpful in assisting you with getting your health insurance to pay for breast pumps. They also hold weekly breastfeeding meetings (see below). www.NurturingExpressions.com (360) 930-0218
La Leche League (LLL) Meetings (free) – The Mission of LLL “is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.” www.LLLi.org
Port Orchard: 2nd Friday 6:30pm @ Innate Start Midwifery. Leader, Cammy Mills https://www.facebook.com/groups/302101639211/
Central Kitsap: 4th Wednesday 10:30am @ Nola Baby Boutique. Leader, Katie Dunning https://www.facebook.com/groups/309001304597/
Poulsbo: 1st Wednesday 10:00am @ Olympic Evangelical Free Church https://www.facebook.com/groups/535011333232616/
Nurturing Expressions Drop-in Breastfeeding Group: Every Thursday 10:30am-noon. Led by Tracy Corey, RN & IBCLC ($10 drop-in fee suggested, pay if you can)
Peninsula Birth Network is a free online directory to point you to a variety of resources for the childbearing year. They have up to date information about community meetings, events, and services for families in the childbearing year. Visiting this website is a must for growing families between Bainbridge Island and Gig Harbor! www.PeninsulaBirthNetwork.org
KellyMom is a trusted website for your breastfeeding questions, providing evidence based information about breastfeeding and other parenting topics. www.KellyMom.com
Breastfeeding USA provides evidence based breastfeeding information and support, and promotes breastfeeding as the cultural norm. Access articles, connect with local groups, or sign up for the newsletter. www.breastfeedingUSA.org
LactMed is an app that can provide information about how medication or dietary supplements can affect breastfeeding, listing possible alternative drugs or supplements to consider. Download for iOS or Android on the app store
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, Le Leche League International
The Breastfeeding Book by, Dr. Sears
Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding by, Ina May Gaskin
The Nursing Mother’s Companion by, Kathleen Huggins
I have 5 children of my own - I have spent over 110 months of my life breastfeeding babies! In my experience, it can be both challenging and rewarding. If breastfeeding is your goal, being prepared and knowledgeable about the resources available to you can be especially helpful for when challenges arise! Doulas and Midwives are specifically trained to support your choice to breastfeed.
Let's have a conversation about how doula support and midwifery care can help you along your breastfeeding journey
email: midwifebrandy@gmail.com
phone: (360) 551-3469 (call or text)